Saturday, October 25, 2008

Building without the Joneses

It's a strident world.  There's so much noise about who to be, how to be, whether people measure up to other people's 'rules' for success.  Everyone is looking for something and few seem to find that something.  In the wee hours of the morning some are wringing their hands over the problems of the day, or yesterday, or last week because they don't know what to do about the problems of today.

Its a bit philosophical - all this - but it's reality.  What are you doing every day that makes you happy?  What are you filling your life with?  Where do you find your happiness?  Is it in your work, your religion, your spouse, your kids, others image of you?  (As if you know what that really is.)

I heard it stated one day that if you're living in less than this, then you're a loser.  I've read if you're not smarter, faster, stronger, apt, you're - well - Oh, that's OK. (wink - big L)  I've heard it stated that if you don't do everything you're supposed to - you're a loser.  Losership - oft times can be heard without even being spoken.

Self reflection hails from every move we make during the day.  Every time you write, every time you make a decision, every time you take a break from that thought at the computer or machine or hammer or steering wheel, whether at home or in an office or sitting in church - your reflection of you yells out both to your inner self as well as to others.  Do you know what you are saying?  Are you aware of what you is saying about you?

We often take a position in life that we're going to be someone - someone better - someone greater, richer, stronger, faster, thinner, smarter, kinder, worthier - disciplined.  Every year the end of the year brings all this celebration of 'new' something, where each determines - determinedly - that these types of self-realizations will be realized - with the new year.  We muscle-up mentally to become.  But people can see and hear - who you really are.

The new year comes to end and with the new resolutions in mind - its as if last years well said, poorly enacted plans, are forgiven, forgotten, shelved, graded, measured, weighed, and left in the status of which they finished the race.

Do the Jones exist?  We create them in our own mind no matter what social level, education level, religious level. They exist because we allow them to exist.  And we hold ourselves so accountable to their expectations as if they are standing over us with some life-threatening, do-it-or-be-a-failure, toe-tapping-glaring - well, you know what I mean.  And we let them!  They become part of what we spout off to our friends.  Their expectations become what we believe to be right.  Their rules become our rules.  And we pass them along to all who lend an ear whether at work, at the pulpit, in the car, or at home around the dinner table. 

This note - has it's own Jones family influence behind it - it's just the way we're built.  Truly seeking betterment isn't bad.  Looking to become the greater, better, faster, stronger, smarter, kinder - is good.  But the attitude carried with such things - does it now become fodder for zealot-like behavior or something that truly builds character in others and helps them be there very best?  Well approached - well conceived - truth to purpose - critical to how you enact your plans.

Falling down may skin your knees.  It may hurt for a while - it may hurt others for a while. Building up - may hurt even more and may cause some others to hurt - but at least - building is a positive direction.  But build - and for the right reasons.  Build because it is truth in you - good in you - purity in you.  Build or rebuild for good reasons  - not because of or for the Jones satisfaction.  Build because you love, care, and hope for betterment of you and others.  Desire, be pure in your heart, obey universal laws, and love.  

Start today and feel - really feel - practice doing better - try - serve others (not yourself - you've done lots of that) and experience the bliss of growth. And serve others while you're doing it.  It's often painful, tearful, and difficult, frustrating, and requires lots of focus and action - but it's worth it.  Try it and see what changes in your life by the end of the week.  Then keep doing.  The wonderment, the joy, the satisfaction - is in the journey.

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